Why BAM yourself into this trap?

It is true that being in love is the most exhilarating, the scariest, the most wonderful, and the most intense feeling in the world - all at once. When you are in love with someone, you see them for who they are and what they can be. Did you ever feel when you love someone with all of your heart and then they just left you like nothing wrong happened? Wow, I'm so glad I found people who see love the way I do. It's like no one around me. They all jump around all happy like everything is O.K. and dance around in flowery meadows with rainbows shooting out their asses. The one thing I learned is that love is an illusion. It distracts people from reality and causes them to fall into a trap. Oh sure, at first its all fun and games and everyone's all happy and you think everything is going great. You become all optimistic and that life has finally given you payback for all you have done. But then suddenly DANG! Everything around you falls apart and you're left in the darkness. Everything you did was in vain, giving a gift to the one you love, telling them how much you like them or just giving the attention they deserve. All of it was pointless because no matter how much affection you gave them, you never to get it back. Love is a human weakness that claims the best of men and becomes their. All love is is temporary happiness that ends in broken dreams and sadness along with anger. I would think the point of love is not to buy material things but share the feeling with the one you love, but nooooo thats not good enough now. Some people are born lucky, but for some of us, theres no hope at all. Theres no point in trying when you know it will just bring back that pain you felt, and the fear that if it happens again, you wont come back the same person ever again and heads are gonna start rolling. People can be so superficial and lustful, society is corrupt; all this over one stupid emotion that just seems pointless. Thats why I made a promise to myself awhile ago,"To not let love affect me." Its been about a month and I have to say, its been great. When you give up love, all you have to do is walk around and not worry about falling in love and just do what you like to do, like hanging around with people you want or talk to your bestfriends. Anytime I hear a conversation about some dumb relationship, I just try to get the heck outta there. I'm so sick of it all. SO if you want some advice, just take a damn break from this cursed emotion and just do things for yourself for awhile, theres more important things in life for us to do other than sit there wondering " am I not worth for you?" Just give it up for awhile, or altogether if you want. If you want my synopsis for it all, in simple terms, love sucks, its an illusion of temporarily happiness, and theres more important things to worry about. The end


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